A dumping ground for whatever I made recently and didn’t feel like committing to one of the galleries on the site.

Content will change on a semi-regular basis.
Current work
Medium: Various
Date: Ongoing 

Collected here are some of my music experiments and productions.

Recently I’ve had a renewed interest in trying out some hardware solutions so I expect I will be updating this soon.

After trying out the Roland Verselab I have now (2023) settled on the Elektron Syntakt and the Roland J-6 as my go-to music creation devices!

In 2024 I’ve also been working with AI to create music and that has been a lot of fun as well.
Music production & experiments         
Medium: Hardware & software
Date: Various; Ongoing

Throughout the years I have been playing around with solutions like Native Instruments’ Maschine, Ableton Live as well as hardware-only stuff such as Korg’s Volca series, Teenage Engineering’s Pocket Operators and even various apps on mobile devices.

Some finished tracks (full versions on Spotify):

Experiments and jams on the Elektron Syntakt (more to come):

A few snippets of tracks I made:

Minimal techno vibe jamming session on Volca Beats: 

 “Bitcrushed Dreams” on Pocket Operator

Warm lo-fi vibes on a Pocket Operator 
At the beginning of 2023 I opened an Etsy store focused on vintage items from the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. Check it out at https://www.etsy.com/shop/PeculiarlyNostalgic

As a result of being a bit of a structured hoarder I have accumulated quite a few peculiar items and kept them in pretty much pristine condition for over 30 years.

These pictures can now serve as reminders without having the physical items.
Peculiarly Nostalgic
Medium: Digital
Date: 2023 

street art = artwork that is created in a public space, typically without official permission.
Definition by Oxford Languages

Whichever city I visit I always look around and try to spot the street art.
Global Street Art           
Medium: Analogue and digital
Date: Various; Ongoing

Due to the impact of climate change on our planet, the only way for living organisms to survive is to merge with technology. Even our zoo animals are replaced by biomechanical versions.

The impact of climate change on our planet has been significant, and the effects are pervasive. As temperatures rise and natural habitats become increasingly hostile to life, humans and other living organisms must find ways to survive.

One of the most innovative solutions is the merging of living organisms with technology. By augmenting our physiology and biology with machines, we can survive in extreme environments and adapt to changing conditions. This fusion of living beings and technology is already being implemented in some of the world’s most advanced research laboratories. In these facilities, scientists are creating biomechanical versions of animals such as lions and tigers to replace their real-world counterparts in zoos.
Mechanised Zoo
Medium: Digital
Date: 2023 

These biomechanical creatures are designed to be able to survive in any type of environment, no matter how hostile. By combining the strength and resilience of living organisms with the adaptability and efficiency of technology, these creatures can thrive in any climate. In the future, we may see more and more living organisms merging with technology in order to survive.